
Instead of keeping my 5:00 a.m. racing brain's thoughts to myself I decided to share with you what goes on in my head. This will usually involve the topics of photography, music, or just random observations about life in general. Thanks for reading/listening/sharing.


Saturday, November 19, 2011

Barbara Davidson photographs

I was pleasantly surprised to discover that the University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee Art Gallery has a very well curated photography exhibit now through Dec. 16, 2011. "SHUTTER examines the language of photography from multiple viewpoints." Since this is not a review per se, I want to comment on what I found to be the most striking images. Barbara Davidson won a Pulitzer Prize for her work as a LA Times photographer documenting the victims of gang violence in Los Angeles. Only 7 of her black and white images are being shown at this exhibit, but they are all very moving and disturbing at the same time. Her goal was to give attention to the plight of victims in this American city who suffer just as much, if not more, post traumatic stress as people in Iraq and Afghanistan. Through very personal relationships she developed with her subjects she was able to graphically illustrate the daily toll that gun violence takes on families. It is a harrowing indictment of our inability to get guns off the streets of our cities.
